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Past Episodes - October 2017

Episode Archives - Past Months

June 2017 - Episodes 6 - 8
Episode# 22

Aired Date: October 4, 2017


Topics: We open up our phone lines and allow the fans to call/text in the questions they want us to answer - like what were their favorite comic con memories.


Along with the fun questions, they also talk about the fun Star Wars themed wedding they attended, as well as talk about the passing away of icons Tom Petty, Hugh Hefner, and Monte Hall over the past week.

Episode# 23

Aired Date: October11, 2017


Topics: Brett and Scott discuss one of their favorite topics - Time Travel! In their discussion they review some of their favorite movies and TV series like:Back to the Future, Terminator, Quantum Leap, and others.


The also talk about the latest Star Wars Episode 8 trailer and speculate about what the newly released scenes might mean for this highly awaited movie.

Episode# 24

Aired Date: October 18, 2017


Topics: Brett and Scott welcome creator and author of the Earthman Jack series, Matthew Kadish, to our show as he talks about the recently released books 3 through 5 of this fun series.


They also talk Star Wars: Rebels and some of their irresponsible speculations about how Rebels might tie into Star Wars Episode VIII.

Episode# 25

Aired Date: October 25, 2017


Topics: Odd Musings' Halloween Spooktacular!!!


Brett and Scott discuss the origins of Halloween along with sharing their person memories and family traditions for this popular holiday.

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